From early childhood into his late teens Don Bockoven has had the experience of moving between states and countries. A direct result of this early exposure to differing environments has enabled Don to easily adjust to new surroundings and the challenges associated with them. Throughout his education Don had a passion for both mathematics and art, and after taking a drafting course his senior year realized that Architectural Engineering would allow him to pursue both. Beginning with the summer after his graduation from high school Don applied for internships related to the AE field.

The first internship Don received was with Archer & Buchanan Architecture, Ltd. a local architecture firm in West Chester, PA during the summer before entering college. At this first internship Don was able to get a better understanding for the process that architects go through in design. Don also has had experience in the construction management field with Global Performance. In these internships Don experienced both the business and practice sides of the construction management field. In his most recent intership with Structural Design Group, Ltd. Don was exposed to several aspects of structural engineering from client interaction to tenant fit out for an existing structure.

Don is currently a fifth year in the Architectural Engineering program at Penn State and plans to graduate in May of 2007. Don also passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam in the spring of 2006 and will attain EIT status after graduation. Don hopes to obtain a position in the structural engineering field where he can continue to learn how to approach many different and challenging building designs.


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on November 7, 2006 , By Don Bockoven and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005