URS - Arena District Office Building

David W. Lee
Option: Structural
Location: Columbus, Ohio

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to David Lee's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Thesis Proposal

Redesign of the lateral system is proposed. Two viable solution considered are repositioning the current lateral systems, and redesign of building in concrete with shearwalls as the lateral system. In order to reduce torsion, repositioning of the braced frames is proposed. Primary goal of repositioning lateral systems is to reduce eccentricity in turn reducing the impact of torsion. Also if possible braced frames will be laid out to eliminate the moment frames. Redesign in concrete will require changes in loads applied, column sizes, and, foundation design. Shearwalls are planned to coincide with the elevator shafts and if necessary other locations to minimize eccentricity. To keep large open space without interruptions, the floor system for the concrete design will be post-tension slab. In technical report 2 the post-tension slab was the most cost efficient of the floor systems worth the further investigation. Both options mentioned need to account for the architectural constraints imposed on the original design team.


Construction Management
In this breadth study, a new project schedule will be created for the concrete redesign. Complete redesign and switchover to different material are grounds for significant schedule changes. Primavera will be used to complete the new schedule. With careful planning and good coordination there is a possibility of matching construction time or reducing it. Along with the new schedule will be detailed cost analysis. Shown in technical assignment 2, rough square foot estimate determined concrete floor system to be a cheaper alternative. Goal is to prove concrete as the more cost effective solution.

Redesign with concrete employing post tension slab has the benefit of considerable reduction in floor depth. This reduction in volume leads to energy savings in heating and cooling. In addition less ductwork will be necessary saving cost. Focus will be to replace existing ductwork with the shallowest ductwork available to reduce floor depth even more. Also in the concrete redesign, most efficient ductwork layout will be studied. If the reduction in volume is significant enough reduce fan size, new fan will be pursued. Goal is to reduce building volume to efficiently heat, cool, and circulate the building.





Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact David W. Lee |
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