Welcome to Joshua Kreutzberger's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio
Thesis Final Report
The lighting depth work involves a redesign of the lighting system of at least four spaces, which include the 60,000 square foot plaza, the lobby, the auditorium, and the fifth floor sixty capacity clasroom. The lobby will have a thorough comparison and critical analysis of at least two different, yet acceptable, approaches to the redesign, considering important issues such as cost, performance, energy savings, and constructability.
The electrical depth work involves a partial power distribution system redesign. The tasks include the redesign of branch circuits for the four re-lighted spaces, the analysis of a central transformer versus distributed transformers, the analysis of feeders versus a bus duct spanning to the penthouse, the design of a motor control center, and a protective device coordination study. The redesign of the power distribution system will be compared to the existing system regarding cost analysis, efficiency, and power consumption.
The breadth work will be a mechanical system analysis of the electrical rooms with regard to the distributed transformers. The other breadth topic will be a construction management cost analysis of the existing power distribution system versus the redesigned portions of the redesigned power distribution system.
Final Report with Appendix (.pdf) -(15,680 KB)
Final Report without Appendix (.pdf) -(10,350 KB)
Title Page (.pdf) -(932 KB)
Abstract (.pdf) -(593 KB)
Table of Contents (.pdf) -(36 KB)
Executive Summary (.pdf) -(42 KB)
Building Information (.pdf) -(52 KB)
Lighting Depth Intro (.pdf) -(46 KB)
Lighting Depth (.pdf) -(6,726 KB)
Plaza (.pdf) -(341 KB)
Lobby (.pdf) -(3,842 KB)
Auditorium (.pdf) -(2,180 KB)
Classroom (.pdf) -(587 KB)
Electrical Depth (.pdf) -(2,152 KB)
Construction Management Breadth (.pdf) -(65KB)
Mechanical Breadth (.pdf) -(43 KB)
References (.pdf) -(34 KB)
Acknowledgments (.pdf) -(46 KB)
Appendix (.pdf) -(5,602 KB)