Kevin Clouser
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center
at Mercy Hospital
Baltimore, Maryland

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Kevin's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio



ABET Outcomes for AE 481W/482

Outcome not able to be assessed 
(Score of 0)

Level of ability demonstrated but below acceptable
(Score of 1)

Minimum acceptable level of ability demonstrated
(Score of 2)

More than minimum level of ability demonstrated
(Score of 3)

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering





b. An ability to analyze and interpret data





c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs





e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems





f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility





g. An ability to communicate effectively





h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context





i. An ability to engage in life-long learning





j. A knowledge of contemporary issues





k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice





o. Engineering design capabilities in at least two (2) of the (3) basic curriculum areas of architectural engineering, and that design has been integrated across the breadth of the program





p. Communication and interaction with other design professionals in the execution of building projects





  AE 481W/482 Course Reflection
 AE481W provided me with a structured semester-long learning program that allowed me to inspect and review different aspect of my project building.  Through this I was able to gain a general understanding of the structural system that made up The Weinberg Center.  This was very helpful in preparing me for the final aspect of Senior Thesis.
AE 482 was a semester long learning experience.  Not only did I have to learn how to design a new structural system in post-tensioned concrete, but I also had to develop and refine my life long skills of time management, making engineering judgments and assumptions to get a design done and compiling loads of information from a computer program and spreadsheets to design a final product.  This class taught me many skills that every practicing engineer needs to have a solid understanding of.

CPEP & Discussion Board Reflection
My assignments were posted to the CPEP website.  The CPEP website is a means for design professionals and anyone interested to review my work and see what I have worked on for the past year.  I think this is an excellent way for potential employers to view work that students have completed.  I had some minor issues utilizing the CPEP website, however those were technical related and would not warrant me going into depth over.

The CPEP discussion board was provided as a means for students to have a way to communicate effectively and professionally with members of the engineering community.  I found this very helpful as a way to obtain information about various design guidelines, procedures and rules-of-thumb. 

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 1, 2007 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005
September 20, 2006May 1, 2007