Kenneth M. Lorenz

Construction Management
Health Care Center
Central Pennsylvania

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Ken Lorenz's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio


Ken Lorenz

Resume (pdf)

Ken Lorenz is currently in his fifth and final year of Penn State’s Architectural Engineering program.  At the conclusion of the summer of 2007 he intends to graduate with a degree of Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, concentrating in the field of Construction Management.  Construction and engineering have been an interest to Ken since he was a young boy.  It wasn’t long after he was given a K’NEX® construction set that Ferris Wheels, Merry-Go-Rounds, and even a Roller Coaster were erected and operating.  After performing well in his mathematics and physics classes and then receiving a high school award in Industrial Arts for designing a skate park on AutoCAD as a senior project, Ken knew that the Architectural Engineering program offered at Penn State was a perfect fit.


Ken took his classroom knowledge gained at Penn State and applied this to the construction industry when working at his summer jobs and internships.  By working for a tile contractor, a developer and home builder, and construction company, Ken was able to gain a good understanding of the construction industry from both sides.  This past summer Ken interned with Gilbane Building Company and worked on an expansion and renovation project at the Philadelphia International Airport.  There Ken aided the Office Engineers in reviewing and processing Submittals and RFIs, conducted field walks and inspections with the Superintendents, and preformed a spec scrub and review for an upcoming package.  Gilbane also gave Ken the opportunity to create and help give a presentation to Philadelphia high school juniors who were interested in college and looking to major in Engineering, Architecture, or Construction.


Ken Lorenz is eager and enthusiastic to work for Gilbane Building Company after graduating in August 2007.  He is confident that the knowledge he obtained at Penn State and his past work experience will make him successful in the construction industry.





Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on April 10, 2007 , By Student Name and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005