Michael Funk

Construction Management Option
Fairfax High School Renovation & Addition
Fairfax, VA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Michael Funk's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio


Michael Funk is currently in his fifth year of study in The Pennsylvania State University Architectural Engineering program, specializing in the construction management option. He will graduate in May 2007 with a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering degree.

Over the past two years, Michael has worked on multiple construction projects with Grunley Construction Company performing various tasks to further his construction management abilities. The multiple internships have been invaluable learning experiences which will help him as he begins his career. Michael is currently researching the Fairfax High School Renovation and Addition project for his thesis.

Michael has been involved with numerous extracurricular activities. He first became involved on the Executive Board for the Interfraternity Council, serving as Associate Vice President. During his term on the board, he served on the Overall Committee for Homecoming, Greek Week, Greek Sing, and Penn State Dance Marathon.

Michael’s involvement with the various special events at Penn State motivated him to become the Overall Chairperson for the Penn State Dance Marathon (THON). THON is the largest student run philanthropy in the world, raising over $4.2 million this past year. To find out more information, please visit the website at www.thon.org.

He is scheduled to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which will allow him to obtain an engineer-in-training status upon graduation. He hopes to obtain a professional engineering license during his career as well as earning a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.).

To view Michael’s resume, click here.


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on November 27, 2006 , By Michael Funkand is hosted by the AE Department ©2006