Meral G. Kanik
Structural Thesis Portfolio
Gen*NY*Sis Center For Excellence in Cancer Genomics
Rensselaer, NY
Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work‐in‐progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Meral Kanik. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.
Building Name:
Gen*NY*Sis Center for Excellence in Cancer Genomics (Center for Functional Genomics)
Location and Site:
University at Albany, East Campus, Biotechnology Park
One Discovery Drive
Rensselaer, NY 12144-2345
The site is located on East Campus Technology Park of University at Albany with an overlook of the Hudson River and the city of Albany. It is the signature building of East Campus.
Building Occupant Name:
University at Albany, SUNY
Project funded by New York State through the Gen*NY*Sis program
Occupancy of Function Types (Type of Building):
The Gen*NY*Sis program encourages collaboration between research institutions and emerging as well as established companies. The sharing of knowledge along with facilities and equipment has been shown to accelerate research discoveries and therefore the development of new techniques and product. This particular building includes cancer research to be done at the center to be a cooperative effort that links private biotech businesses with academia and government to conduct groundbreaking research and development in state-of-the-art facilities; also includes research laboratories, core support facilities including proteomics, mass spectrometry, microarray, molecular biology, and rodent facility.
117,000 square feet
Four stories between 70 and 90 feet above grade
Most of ground floor is below grade.
Milestones in Construction:
Schematic Design/Basis of Design Submission May 7, 2003
Groundbreaking June 24, 2003
Design Development Submission June 30, 2003
Structural Steel Bid Package July 7, 2003
Foundation and Site Bid Package September 9, 2003
Skin Bid Package August 22, 2003
Remainder of Building Bid Package November 7, 2003
Final Occupancy September 2004
Grand Opening October 18, 2005
$45 million project (base building cost)
Project Delivery Method:
CM at risk (Fast Track Delivery Method)
Project Team:
University at Albany Foundation
Construction Manager:
U.W. Marx
Gilbane Building Company
Einhorn Yaffee Prescott Architecture & Engineering P.C.
Landscaping Engineer:
Kenneth Fraser and Associates
Transportation Engineer:
URS Corporation
Structural Consultant:
Heflin Associates, PLLC
The Center for Functional Genomics is a 117,400 square foot research center located on the University at Albany’s East Campus, off the Columbia Turnpike (US Route 9 and 20), in East Greenbush, NY. Previously the site of the old Sterling Winthrop Facility, the Research Center will feature spaces for research laboratories with support spaces, offices, seminar spaces, circulation spaces and a two-story atrium. Arranged at the entrance of East Campus, the Research Center is the signature building of the new Biotechnology Park of University at Albany as well as a symbol of hope for all those afflicted with cancer. Designed as a Business Occupancy (Use Group B), the construction class is type 2B (noncombustible) but with 2-hour rated construction to account for the storage of large amounts of chemicals in the research labs. Floor-to-floor heights of 16’-0” are proposed with a 20’-0” floor-to-floor at the basement level.
National Codes:
Building Envelope:
The main exterior wall is comprised of: solid Phenolic Resin wall panels, metal furring, 5/8” dens-glass gypsum sheathing, 1” rigid insulation, 6” LGMF, 6” fiberglass insulation, reinforced Polyethelene sheeting vapor retarder and 5/8” painted gypsum wall board.
The exterior of the Research Center has been formed to give a sleek, clean look. It is comprised of a couple of different systems: exposed concrete site walls, Phenolic resin panels (installed over a metal furring rain-screen system), 2 different glazed systems, a curtain wall system (north façade and south end offices), a storefront system, and a glass wall panel (trusswall system at NW wall).
The roof is contains a composite metal panel system which rests upon open web steel roof joists with some slab on deck framing supported by steel beams to account for substantial amounts of HVAC equipment. In addition to the penthouses, a screen wall around the entire roof perimeter is installed to shield the view of the equipment from view.
A joint venture between U.W. Marx and Gilbane Building Company served as the construction manager for this project. The Research Center was constructed on a fast-track delivery method to build the 2005 Project of the Year—Honorable Mention by the Construction Management Association of America, NY-NJ Chapter. Construction was designed around a module system of 10’-6” with a structural bay to provide for a clear dimension of approximately 21’-0” and a 7’-0” clear corridor width.
The structural system of the Research Center is designed to justify future adaption to changes in laboratory use or space needs, with special provisions for location of future plumbing and infrastructure demands. The foundation uses typical footings 9’-0”x9’-0”x25” and 20” thick basement walls that retain 20’-0” of soil. Typical slab-on-grade is 5” thick and increased to 6” for mechanical equipment slab-on-grade. The floor and roof system are typically 6 ½” slab of normal weight concrete on 2”, 20-gauge composite metal deck and 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 wire-welded-fabric reinforcement. Floor and roof filler beams are typically W16x31 spaced 7’-0” apart with 20 shear connectors and a frequency of 8 Hertz. Whereas the penthouse system is 1 ½”, 22-gauge, galvanized wide-rib (type B) roof decking. The preliminary size of a penthouse roof joist spanning 40’-0”, spaced 4’-0” apart is 30K10. Columns are placed along the exterior walls to form rectangular bays of 21’-0” by 27’-0”. Columns are also put on either side of a 10’-0” corridor in order to minimize foot-traffic vibrations into adjacent lab spaces. The column placement also maximizes vertical space for utilities located in the corridor.
The lateral force resisting system uses steel braced frames to resist wind and seismic loads. An expansion joint at the intersection of the two building wings isolates the two sections from each other. The expansion joint requires a row of columns along each side of the joint, with the building structures separated by a distance sufficient to provide seismic isolation—approximately 6”-8”. Each building section has braced frames across the ends and two bays of bracing along the length of each exterior wall. Bracing diagonals are typically tube-shaped steel members (HSS8x8x5/16) in non-moment-resisting eccentrically braced frames. The building is designed for wind loading drift criteria of H/400, including second order effects.
The Research Center’s mechanical system is designed to support offices, laboratories, and a vivarium to operate respectively, 10 hours/day, 10 hours/day and 24 hours/day, and respectively 5 days/week, 5 days/week and 7 days/week. In general, supply air to laboratory and laboratory animal spaces are 100% outdoor air. Ventilation rates are based on sensible cooling load, minimum dilution ventilation requirements, and/or exhaust air requirements. The ventilation rates for other spaces are based on minimum dilution ventilation requirements for occupant comfort, occupant density, pressurization criteria, and/or exhaust air requirements. Ventilation air is provided at a minimum rate of 20 cubic feet per minute per person. The air handling units serving the offices, laboratories and vivarium supply air through 30% ASHRAE efficient prefilters and 95% ASHRAE efficient afterfilters.
In general, the HVAC control system provides individual thermostat control for each laboratory. During “occupied” hours, systems maintain minimum air change rates. Room temperature is controlled using a wall-mounted thermostat, connected to a reheat coil control valve. Supply airflow exceeds exhaust airflow to assure positive pressure in barrier animal spaces relative to adjacent spaces. During “unoccupied” hours, the control system allows an energy-efficient reduction in supply and exhaust airflows provided that system maintains relative pressure within the laboratories. This design includes moisture addition for relative humidity control at the central station air handling unit and satisfies the requirements for the majority of the spaces served, but there is no individual room humidity control.
The calculated cooling, heating and process loads for the Research Center are respectively, 1100-tons, 18,500 MBH, and 5100 MBH. For cooling, there are three 375-ton, high efficiency water-cooled electric centrifugal water chillers to provide 42⁰F chilled water throughout the building via a primary-secondary chilled water pumping system. The primary pumps provide a constant flow of 600-gpm while the secondary pumps’ flow is at a constant 1700-gpm (100% of the intended building-cooling load).
The heating plan consists of gas-fired, water-tube high-pressure steam boilers, and hot-water reheat with steam preheat coils. Two 250-BHP flexible water tube high-pressure steam boilers equipped with dual fuel burners provide100-psig steam with only a natural gas connection. The hot-water system is complete with an expansion tank, air separator complete with necessary apparatuses for a hot-water heating system. The high-pressure steam system and boiler system are complete with deaerator, chemical treatment system, four-pump feed water system, flash tank, condensate return system and all apparatuses for a complete hot-water heating system.
The incoming electrical service for the Research Center comes from the existing campus 4800 Volt distribution loop. A 5 kV switchgear was added to allow for primary electric distribution routed across the site via underground ductbank to a new dual primary voltage, 13.2/4.8 kV, pad-mounted transformer located at the north side. Dual secondary feeders will be routed underground in the ductbank to the main switchboard and fire pump service entrance switchboard/disconnect switch.
The new main switchboard provides facility power distribution which includes: 3200 A, 277/480V distribution sections with individually mounted main and feeder circuit breakers, solid-state trip device and ground fault protection, customer metering, digital type and pulse initiator for kW demand, and transient voltage surge suppression.
Floor distribution of power includes two vertical busways fed from the main switchboard for power to each floor (one in each wing). Mechanical distribution of power includes combination motor controllers and disconnect switches or variable frequency drives in mechanical equipment rooms (for pumps, fans, packaged equipment, etc.).
The generator provides power to the emergency side of each transfer switch and the main switchboard provides power to the normal side of each transfer switch. The load side of each transfer switch feeds the distribution switchboards. The lighting panels on each floor service the wing that they are located in, and the lighting panels serve a dry type transformer, 480 V to 208/120V for incidental 120V life safety power at selected locations. Standby power is provided for legally required mechanical equipment such as smoke control fans. The optional standy distribution provides power to loads determined to meet the needs of the building as directed by the University at Albany.
All lighting is hung from the building structure independently of the ceiling support system. In general, lighting is fluorescent with incandescent used where desired or appropriate.
Fire Protection:
The fire protection is designed in accordance with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, Title 9B, IBC, NFPA 13, 14, 20, and 45, and local regulations. The building construction class is type 2B (noncombustible), however due to use as a research lab and the need to store large amounts of chemicals, (2) hour rated construction for all columns and beams supporting all floors including the roof are provided. The sprinkler design in the laboratory is based upon Ordinary Group 2 hazard classification which requires a design density of 0.20 gpm per square foot over 1500 square feet of design area. Therefore, it requires approximately 300 gpm for sprinkler flow within the building and 250 gpm additional for hose allowance. Mechanical spaces require 0.15 gpm per square foot, and corridors, toilet rooms and offices require 0.10 gpm per square foot. Equipping the structure with an automatic sprinkler system, the area limitation is increased from 23,000 to 69,000, which forms the floor as one fire area. At each stair landing, a 2 ½” fire hose valve with a 2 ½” x 1 ½” reducer with cap and chain is installed. The standpipe system is designed to accommodate 1000 gpm. A four-way fire department connection is located at the front side of the building.
The stairwells are located along the southeastern-most wall, the east end of the curtainwall system on the northern side, and against the northwestern corner of the building. 2 elevators are included in the building. The main passenger use elevator has a capacity of 2500 lbs. with a sheet vinyl floor, stainless steel walls, doors and hoistway doors. It is ADA compliant with emergency communications sytem. The large elevator has a capacity of 5000 lbs. with a sheet vinyl floor, stainless steel walls, doors, and hoistway doors. In this elevator, the door is 8’-0” high. Also, it is ADA compliant.
The incoming service for the new facility comes initially from the existing services in the Administration buliding, or through the education center. These services include voice, data and video over copper, coax and fiber optic media. An underground duct bank connects the Cancer Research Center to an underground telecommunication vault; through this vault duct bank connections are made to the Administration building, the education enter, outside service providers and the rest of the campus. Each standard laboratory contains (1) Category 6 copper cable connecting a wall phone. Each A/V outlet has a wall interface and/or a projector interface. Outlet types and locations are coordinated with the University of Albany's IT staff.
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updated on May 6, 2008 , By Meral Kanik and is hosted by the
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