Technical Report Number One
Investingation of the Structural System and Existing Conditions
October 5, 2007 |

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Excecutive Summary:
The proceeding report is a technical description of structural concepts and existing conditions for the Trump Taj Mahal Hotel, currently being constructed in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The first technical section of the report provides a listing of structural codes and material strengths that The Harman Group, the structural engineers who designed the structure of the building, has specified in their design. These sections are followed by detailed descriptions of the structural systems of the tower. Descriptions include foundation systems, columns, floor systems, miscellaneous framing, and lateral force resisting systems and include various diagrams, plans and illustrations to help further explain the system. The next section provides a detailed analysis of gravity (including self weight), snow, wind, and seismic loads per ASCE 7-05 and IBC 2006. Calculations of these loads can be found in the appendix of the report. The final section provides commentary on the spot checks performed on one of the shear walls, the filigree flat slab system, an in-slab beam, and a gravity column. All analyses can be found in the appendix of this report. |
Technical Report Number Two
Pro-Con Structural Study of Alternate Floor Systems
October 28, 2007

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Excecutive Summary:
This report is an investigation of alternate floor framing systems for the Trump Taj Mahal Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Schematic designs were conducted on four possible alternatives and compared for their feasibility. Comparisons considered a number of factors, including: structural effectiveness, architectural and mechanical system impacts, construction impacts, fire rating, serviceability, and cost.
The existing floor system of the Trump Taj Mahal Hotel is a filigree flat plate system. It meets the current demands of providing a low floor to floor height while effectively carrying the loads of the floor. Other systems that were analyzed are:
Steel Frame with Precast Hollow Core Planks
Composite Steel Frame with Slab on Metal Deck
Two‐Way Post‐Tensioned Flat Plate
One‐Way Concrete Slab and Beams
A post‐tensioned flat plate system appears to be the best alternate floor framing system. This system provides a total depth of 8”, the lowest of all systems. A flat plate is flat on both sides and requires substantially less floor and ceiling finishes. Often, the bottom of the flat plate system is exposed and serves as the ceiling. Although this system was the heaviest of those analyzed, column and foundation cost will be offset by the savings in building height reduction; providing cost savings on vertical MEP runs, partitions, curtain walls, and shear walls.
If it is decided that the lateral system of the tower will be changed to a system of steel frames, the composite steel with slab on metal deck will be further investigated. Of the two steel systems investigated, a composite steel system was the least expensive and required the lowest floor to floor height. One of its major disadvantages is the requirement of a suspended ceiling, necessary if the structured is to be concealed. |
Technical Report Number Three
Lateral System Analysis and Comfirmation Design
December 3, 2007 |

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ERRATA: Where it says "...wind loads have been applied to the center of mass...", it should state: "...wind loads have been applied at the center of pressure..."
Excecutive Summary:
The purpose of this report is to determine through analytical methods the response of the lateral force resisting system of the Trump Taj Mahal Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to effects of wind and seismic loads.
In order to effectively determine the forces acting on the shear wall, a simplified ETABS model was constructed. The model was analyzed under the effects of wind loads provided by a wind tunnel test performed by DFA. The building modes and periods, center of rigidities, displacements, pier forces, and frame forces were determined directly from ETABS. Pier forces were input into PCA column along with the reinforcement layout of the pier under investigation. An interaction diagram was then developed to determine whether or not the strength of the pier was adequate to handle the forces. Shear strength was checked by hand per requirements of ACI 318-05.
Most of the design criteria was met or exceeded, with the exception of a few shear wall piers that did not perform adequately against strength because of excessive tensile forces and shear forces. Lateral displacements meet the requirements of H/400, as well as a story drift limit of 0.5”. In fact, the lateral displacements calculated in ETABS are well below these limits (approximately H/650). This may be something to consider later in the semester with a shear wall reduction depth study. |
User Note:
While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work-in-progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Stephen Reichwein. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design. |