the following report is for the spring semester of 2009 thesis work involving unlv greenspun hall. it addresses possible problems with the current design and offers several alternative design options that might improve those areas. a solution was comprised of several of these options and will be evaluated in comparison to the current design. the report also contains and electrical and construction management breadth for the proposed redesign.
due to the shift and decrease in electricity consumption of the cooling system, feeders to and from the motor control center will be directly affected. thus, these feeders will be resized. electricity usage will decrease and be shifted which will affect operating cost. panel sizes will be examined and adjusted where appropriate.
construction management
the proposed design allows the unique opportunity to compare economic and energy advantages between systems. a cost analysis will be prepared that takes into account construction cost, including new equipment and labor, and operating cost. it is hypothesized that the proposed redesign will have a greater first cost due to complexity and more equipment, but a lesser operating cost will allow for an agreeable payback period.
updated proposal.pdf