Building Name: UPMC Passavant Pavilion Addition
Location: 9100 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa 15237
Building Occupant: UPMC Passavant Hospital
Building Type: Healthcare
Size: New addition: 191,400 sq. ft.
Penthouse: 18,000 sq. ft.
Renovation: 30,000 sq. ft.
Number of Stories: 8 stories including ground floor and mechanical penthouse.
Primary Project Team
Owner: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System (UPMC)
General Contractor: P.J. Dick Inc.
Architect: Burt Hill
Structural Engineer: Atlantic Engineering Services
Electrical Engineer: CJL Engineering
Mechanical/Plumbing Engineer: Firsching, Marstiller, Rusbarsky, Wolf Engineering Inc.
Dates of Construction: November 16, 2007(Notice to Proceed)
September 29, 2009(Completion of Pavilion Addition)
May 21, 2010 (Completion of Renovation)
Cost Information: $85,900,000 (Overall construction cost)
Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build
The UPMC Passavant Pavilion Addition and Renovation is a key feature in the visionary master plan for the Passavant campus. As the hospital moves to better serve the needs of the community the new Pavilion aims to meet that goal. The design of the new facility aids in bringing a state-of-the-art feel to a leading edge hospital system. This is accomplished through the use of glazed aluminum curtain wall, metal panels and masonry veneer.
The design of the new Pavilion aids UPMC in their goal of better serving the community and this can be seen through the functionality of the building. The addition expands and improves on many of the services already available in the existing hospital. The expanded services include a new oncology department, emergency department, 6 additional operating rooms, 16 new intensive care units, and 72 new patient rooms. The project also increases the mechanical and electrical capabilities of the hospital through the addition of a new central plant with boilers, chiller, and generators.
Overall, the UPMC Passavant Pavilion Addition is another step for UPMC in remaining one of the elite healthcare providers in the Pittsburgh area. The design and functionality of the facility add to the capabilities of the hospital and the level of patient care that they can provide.
Codes: ICC 2006 Codes
NFPA Life Safety Code 2000
Zoning: McCandless Township, Pa
Historical Requirements: N/A
Building Envelope:
The building envelope for the UPMC Passavant Pavilion Addition is a very intricate and complex system in which the many interfaces between materials play a key role in the performance of the system. The most noticeable feature of the building envelope is the aluminum and glass curtain wall system. The curtain wall is manufactured by Wausau Window and Wall Systems SuperWall Series. The extruded aluminum curtain wall system is clear anodized and attached to the exterior face of the floor slabs. This fastening detail allows the curtain wall to be continuous on the exterior of the building and creates a need for two types of glazing within the system. The predominant glazing used in the system is clear vision glass with glass spandrel panels placed at floor levels and at the locations of walls and columns. The aluminum curtain wall system is on all sides of the Pavilion addition with the north and south elevations being clad primarily with this system.
The remaining façade that is not clad with the curtain wall system is composed of masonry veneer, metal wall panels or louvers and translucent panels. The masonry veneer is either face brick on metal studs or CMU backup. The brick veneer on metal studs consists of the metal studs faced with 5/8” gypsum sheathing which is then covered with a vapor barrier. A layer of 3” rigid insulation board is attached to the gypsum sheathing and then the brick veneer is layed with a 1” air space. The CMU backup follows the same construction process but includes a spray applied vapor barrier in lieu of the gypsum sheathing and vapor barrier. The interface between the curtain wall and the masonry veneer can lead to some interesting sealing challenges as the two systems do not always meet in the same plane. This is especially true on the south elevation as the façade steps away from and returns to the building in several places. This creates a situation in which special care must be taken to ensure that the closure caps and masonry are sealed in such a fashion that the performance of the system is not compromised.
The metal wall panels are located predominantly at the corners of the building which helps to create a modern feel while tying the intersecting elevations together. The panels system is constructed in the same manner as the brick veneer on metal studs.
Louvers enclose the mechanical penthouse of the Pavilion. These louvers are for aesthetic purposes only and are backed by 4” polycarbonate translucent panels. The panels allow natural light to enter the penthouse while still creating a weather tight building enclosure as the panels also act as the primary insulation in this area.
These exterior cladding systems help to differentiate while still tying the Pavilion addition to the existing hospital. UPMC Passavant is compromised of two previous building projects, the original hospital and the East Wing addition. The Pavilion extends off of the East Wing and contains elements of both portions of the hospital. The brick masonry and the curtain wall tie the new addition into the existing structures while the combining of the exterior cladding systems creates a modern feel and shows the progression of the facility throughout the years.
The roof of the Pavilion is compromised of thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) roofing membrane and tapered insulation on metal deck. The TPO membrane is a white membrane which contributes to the LEED criteria for solar reflectance and heat island effects as the membrane reduces the absorbance of the solar energy which also helps to reduce the cooling costs for the building.
UPMC Passavant also has another roofing system that is used for the outdoor roof gardens on the 1st and 3rd floors. The roof systems for the roof gardens are an inverted membrane system. The system begins with a slab on deck roof with a concrete topping slab that is sloped towards the roof drains. Next roofing insulation is adhered to the concrete deck, TPO membrane adhered to the insulation, extruded insulation installed and the roof is ballasted with gravel. The roof is then finished with artificial turf and roof garden accessories such as a boardwalk, planters, and a GreenScreen. The benefits of the roof garden are two fold in that they aid in the LEED Certification process and add to the aesthetic value of the area between the new and existing hospital.
UPMC chose to use a general contractor for the construction of the Passavant Pavilion. PJ Dick was chosen as the contractor and was employed through a lump sum contract with UPMC. All subcontracts are also lump sum agreements. While the general contractor was selected based on their bid and their pre-qualifications the subcontractors were selected on a best value basis. Due to the high technical level associated with the construction of healthcare facilities UPMC was involved in the subcontractor selection process to ensure that the contractors selected would be able to meet their needs in regard to cost, schedule and quality. Prior to bid all subcontractors were asked to provide possible value engineering ideas and this along with their bid was used in their selection.
The constraints of the construction site provided added challenges to the building process. While the site is located in a suburban setting it is still a very congested due to an operating hospital being at the same location. With the existing hospital to the west and essential access roads to the emergency department on the other three sides the construction operations were constrained to the footprint of the addition and a small area surrounding it. This created a need for thorough site planning for construction equipment, deliveries, and overall sequence of the work that would occur simultaneously every day.
An interesting requirement for the project is the use of mobile construction documents. Through the use of FASTTAC software and handheld field units all the construction drawings for the project are able to be carried anywhere on the site in digital format. This enables a contractor to have every drawing with them without carrying multiple rolls of documents through the field. The use of the mobile documents also allows the owner to have an up to date copy of as built drawings as the construction progresses since all mark ups and minor changes can be made directly on the file and saved so that they are accessible by any member of the project team.
Structural System: The UPMC Passavant Pavilion is built upon spread footings and the structure bears on foundation walls on the east and west ends. All footings and foundation walls are constructed of 4000 psi normal weight concrete. The east and west foundation walls are 16” thick concrete below finish grade and 8” thick with brick veneer above finish grade. These foundation walls bear upon 2’-4” x 1’-0 concrete spread footings. This same foundation wall is also used on the south elevation at the southeast corner near the Ground Floor Mechanical Room. Concrete masonry units are also used in the foundation wall system along the south elevation. The entire south elevation, aside from the area near the mechanical room, is constructed of 3 courses of 16” CMU fully grouted followed by 8” CMU fully grouted to the underside of the concrete slab on grade.
The framing of the building is constructed of structural steel. The typical column bay size is 28’-0 x 28’-0. The columns that make up the bays are typically W12 or W14 members with varying weights. Typically columns are 3 stories in length and bear on 24” x 24” piers. These piers in turn bear upon footings that range in size from 3’-0 x 3’-0 to 8’-0 x 8’-0 depending upon the loading of the columns.
The beams and girder sizes within the structural system vary slightly from floor to floor due to the varying occupancies on the different floors. The 1st and 2nd floors are carried by a typical beam size of W18x35 with girder sizes of W21x55 on the exterior bays of the building and W24x55 on the interior. On the 3rd floor the typical beam size is W14x38 with W24x55 girders on the exterior and W14x99’s on the interior.
The 4th floor is constructed of the largest floor members within the building. This is due to the large penetrations that were fabricated into the members so that the large duct work can pass directly through them within the ceiling plenum. Typical beams and girders are W14x38 and W18x40 respectively. At the locations where the ductwork penetrates the beams and girders they are W36x210 and W36x135 respectively.
The floor members for the 5th and 6th floors are identical with typical beam sizes of W14x61 on the exterior and W12x26 on the interior. Girders on these two floors are W21x44 on the exterior and are either W18x60 or W18x65 on the interior. The 7th floor is composed of exterior and interior beams sized at W14x61 and W14x22 respectively. The girders are also W21x44 and W18x71 respectively.
The composite slabs on deck are constructed from 3 ¼” light weight 4000 psi concrete on 2” 20 ga. composite metal deck. A composite system is achieved by using ¾” by 4” shear studs to tie the beams and the slabs on deck together. The slabs on deck complete the structural floor system for the 1st through 7th floors. The ground floor is composed of a 6” slab on grade constructed of 4000 psi normal weight concrete.
The lateral bracing system for the Pavilion is compromised of HSS steel tube cross bracing located at each end of the building. On the east side of the building the bracing is located around the stairwell. This location enables the members to be enclosed within the masonry walls that surround the stairwell and does not conflict with any architectural features of the façade. The other set of braces surrounds the elevator shaft at the west end of the building. Each set of braces is composed of three frames with each frame being built from two intersecting HSS members that span from floor to floor. The two of the frames are located running east and west at the north and south of the structure they surround while the third runs north and south along the exterior wall.
Electrical System:
The new Passavant Pavilion Central Plant is serviced by two 23kV feeders. The feeders and the exterior switchgear are provided by the Duquesne Light Company. These feeders are then stepped down for use within the Central Plant to 4160V by a 2500kVA, 5.5% Z, 23kV – 4160V pad mounted transformer on each line. A 500 AT breaker protects each of one of these lines as it enters the building.
Two 5kV, 3 phase switchgear are the main distribution system within the Central Plant. Each switchgear is serviced by a 5kV, 2000A bus duct. Power is then distributed throughout the Central Plant through the main distribution panels within the switchgear.
Similar to the Central Plant, the Passavant Pavilion is also serviced by two 23kV feeders. Again the feeders and the pad mounted 23kV primary switchgear are provided by the Duquesne Light Company. For use within the Pavilion the feeders are stepped down to 277/480V by a 2500kVA, 5.5% Z, 23kV – 277/480V utility transformer. Each of these lines is then protected by a 4000 AT circuit breaker with an integral transient voltage surge suppressor at the switchgear located in the Main Pavilion Electrical Room. Before entering the breakers a separate service is connected after the transformers and feeds a fire pump and a jockey pump. This service is protected by a 800A/3 phase fused disconnect switch with three 800 A fuses.
Two 277/480V switchgear are the main distribution system for the Pavilion and are located in the Main Pavilion Electrical Room on the Ground Floor. Each of these switchgear are protected by a 4000 AT GFI circuit breaker with an integral transient voltage surge suppressor. Power is then distributed throughout the Pavilion through the main distribution panels within the switchgear.
The Pavilion requires both 277/480V and 120/208V systems so the 480V system is stepped down using two 1000kVA 480 – 120/208V power centers. The power then enters the two 120/208V power center switchgear in the Main Pavilion Electrical Room. These switchgear are each protected by a 4000 A circuit breaker with an integral transient voltage surge suppressor.
Continuous service within a healthcare facility is very important. To accomplish this, the new addition features two backup emergency systems. The first system is a 225kw 120/208 uninterruptable power supply which is capable of operating at full load for up to 12 minutes. This system allows the hospital to function unimpeded while the second emergency system, three 1.5 MW 4160V diesel generators, powers up. Power is transferred from the emergency power system to the building through the use of automatic transfer switches which are tripped whenever the main electrical system fails.
The power from the generators first enters a 4160V paralleling switchgear that transfers the electricity to the major building systems. The emergency power system operates at 4160V, 480/277V, and 120/208V. This is accomplished through 1500kVA, 4160 – 480/277V transformers and a 1000kVA, 4160 – 208/120V transformer.
Temporary construction power is supplied at both 480/277 3 phase, 4 wire and 208/120 3 phase, 4 wire.
Lighting System
The lighting system for the Pavilion is primarily a 277V system. The majority of the fixtures within the building are fluorescent and are either surface mounted, recessed, pedant, or wall mounted. There are also 120V systems interspersed throughout the interior and exterior of the building. These fixtures are generally incandescent downlights in the case of the interior or LEDs located on the exterior of the building around walkways.
Mechanical System
The heating system for the Pavilion addition is powered by two 45,000 MBH (1000BtuH) natural gas boilers located on the Ground Floor of the Central Plant. These boilers produce high pressure steam that is then piped to the Pavilion Penthouse where it is transferred through pressure reducing valves to create low and medium pressure steam. This is then used by the air handling units for heating, domestic hot water heaters for hot water supply, and for sterilizers. The steam is transferred to the Penthouse via Shaft E adjacent to the east stair tower and then once the pressure is reduced, the low and medium pressure steam is distributed to the floors via Shaft B located in the western half of the Pavilion.
The cooling system for the Pavilion is supplied utilizing six 333.3 ton cooling towers and two 1000 ton chillers. The cooling towers are located to the northwest of the Central Plant. Once the water is cooled in the cooling towers it is pumped to the Central Plant chillers via condenser water pumps where it is chilled and distributed throughout the building using both primary and secondary chilled water pumps. The chilled water is distributed throughout the building by way of risers located in Shaft E. On the way up the shaft the chilled water supplies an air handler and fan coil unit on the Ground Floor, a fan coil unit on the 1st Floor, and the air handlers in the Penthouse.
The Penthouse houses the majority of the air handlers for the Pavilion. The air handlers are comprised of heating and cooling coils, humidifiers, and supply and return air fans. The air is conditioned in the manners listed above based on the needs of the building for that particular season. Once the air is either cooled or heated it is then distributed throughout the building using metal ducts. With the majority of the air handlers being located at the Penthouse level the ducts must be ran to the lower floors and this is accomplished through Shafts A,B,C and D of the Pavilion. These shafts contain the duct risers that distribute the conditioned air to the Pavilion through branch ducts located on each floor. Before the conditioned air is supplied to the spaces within the building through the ceiling diffusers the air can be reheated through variable volume reheat terminals.
Fire Protection
The Passavant Pavilion is constructed in accordance with NFPA Type II construction requirement which is the minimum permitted type for healthcare facilities 4 stories or more. The structural frame is required to be protected by a minimum of a 3 hour rating which is achieved through the use a cementitious spray on fireproofing. The floor system is rated at 2 hours according to the code and is achieved through the use of a 5 ½ “ concrete floor slab.
The fire protection system for the Pavilion utilizes both wet and dry sprinkler systems. The entire Pavilion and majority of the Central Plant is protected by a wet sprinkler system while a dry system protects the electrical room within the Central Plant. A 6” standpipe supplies the wet sprinkler system from the east stairwell of the Pavilion. From the standpipe the branch lines are installed throughout the floors in the ceiling plenum and are terminated with concealed sprinkler heads.
The fire alarm and detection system is controlled through a fire command center located on the Ground Floor of the Central Plant. From this location the entire fire system can be monitored and controlled. The fire alarm and detection system is comprised of smoke and heat sensors both in the building and within the ductwork, annunciator panels, alarm pull stations, and alarm strobes, horns and speakers.
The vertical transportation system of the Pavilion is comprised of four elevators located in the western half of the addition. Elevators C and D are each a 6000 lbs. capacity geared traction passenger elevator that operates at 350 feet per minute. Elevator C runs from the Ground Floor up to the Penthouse of the Pavilion while Elevator D runs from the Ground Floor to the 6th Floor. The other two elevators of the Pavilion, A and B, are each a 3500 lbs. capacity hydraulic elevator that operates at 150 fpm. Both of these elevators run from the Ground Floor to the First Floor. The Central Plant is serviced by a 5000 lbs. capacity hydraulic elevator, elevator E, that operates at 150 fpm and runs through all floors.
The elevator machine rooms are located on different floors through the building depending upon which elevators they service. The machine room for elevators A and B are located on the 1st Floor adjacent to elevator B. Elevators C and D are serviced by the machine room located in the Penthouse and Elevator E by the machine room on the 2nd Floor of the Central Plant.
UPMC Passavant is a healthcare facility and as such requires an extensive amount of telecommunications and networking throughout the building. All medical equipment and systems need to be monitored to ensure quality patient care and operations. This is accomplished through phone and data connections from all equipment, procedure rooms, and patient rooms to monitoring stations and nurses stations located throughout the building. In addition to the hard wired telecom systems there are also wireless access points within the building that allow the staff to have constant access to all the information that they may need throughout their day.