Technical Assignments
Technical Assignment 1
This report analyzes the existing sturctural system of the G.Muttrah Residential & Commercial Complex. Detailed descriptions of both the lateral and gravity systems provide a better understanding of the structure. Codes, loads and spot checks are also used to analyze the gravity system in detail, in order to discuss the deisgn of the G.Muttrah Complex. Click here for the full report.
Technical Assignment 2
This report analyzes the existing floor framing system of the G.Muttrah Residential & Commercial Complex and propoes alternatives for the thesis proposal. Detailed descriptions of each system provides a better understanding of the structure and how each system would affect the original design. Click here for the full report.
Technical Assignment 3
This report analyzes the lateral system of the G.Muttrah Residential & Commercial Complex using ETABS software and hand calculations. Both results are compared and checked with code requirements to better understand the loads used by the engineer in the orignial design. This report would serve as a basis for the design in the the senior thesis. Click here fo the full report.