ABET Outcome Survey: These outcome ratings reflect a personal assessment of the course, not the instructor's assessment.
ABET Outcomes for AE 481W/482 |
Outcome not able to be assessed (0) |
Level of ability demonstrated but below acceptable (1) |
Minimum acceptable level of ability demonstrated (2) |
More than minimum level of ability demonstrated (3) |
Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering | X |
Ability to analyze and interpret data | X |
Ability to design a system, component, or precess to meet desired needs | X |
Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems | X |
Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility | X |
Ability to communicate effectively | X |
The braod education necesary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context | X |
An ability to engage in life-long learning | x |
X |
Knowledge of contemporary issues | X |
An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering preactice | X |
Engineering design capabilities in at least two of the three basic curriculum areas of architectural engineering and that design has been integrated across the breadth of the program | X |
Communication and interaction with other design professionals in the execution fo building projects | X |
AE 481W and AE 882 Class Reflection
The AE Department and the Senior Thesis experience proved very valuable in preparing students to enter the Construction & Engineering Industry. The experience allowed students to interact with industry professionals, consultants, & faculty to learn valuable lessons about current trends in the industry. Student's technical writing ability for reports was challenged and greatly improved which will prove valuable in the years to come. One of the most valuable experience was aquiring skills in public presentations. Although Senior Thesis required a lot of effort, hard work, and was sometimes frustrating, it was an excellent finish to five years of hard work within the Penn State Architectural Engineering Program.
CPEP Reflection
Prior to utilizing Dreamweaver, I had some basic and prelimenary html experience from both high school and college courses. Utilizing Dreamweaver challenged my web design knowledge, forcing me to learn new techniques to convey my layout concepts. This was an extremely valuable experience that will stay with me forever and provide an excellent basis in the event my web design skills are required in the future.