Course Reflection:
After completing the Senior Thesis Capstone course for the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State University, I have been able reflect on the course as a learning experience. This course has allowed me to gain knowledge and experience within the field of construction management that cannot be experienced within the typical classroom setting. By communicating with the various members of the project team, I was not only able to compile information pertaining to this project, but I was also able to build partnerships with the industry members. One of the most beneficial aspects with respect to the construction industry that I have learned from this course is time management. Although it was difficult at times to ensure that all information needed was collected to perform these analyses, I believe it was a valuable experience to interact with contractors and architects in the industry.
CPEP Reflection:
The Capstone Project Electronic Portfolio (CPEP) was beneficial because it provided an accessible source of information for myself, course advisors, and other visitors interested in the progress of my project. However, I believe the quality of many students' projects may have been lessened because of the lack of experience and/or knowledge of adequate website design. With more knowledge in this area, I believe the professional quality of the CPEP could have been raised for many students.