Robert Hines is in his 5th year, studying Architectural Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. In May 2013 he will graduate and receive a Bachelor degree of Architectural Engineering with a concentration in construction management. For the past 2 years, Robert has been affiliated with the S:PACE (The Student Chapter of the Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence) chapter at Penn State.
For the past two summers, Robert has worked as an electrician assistant for an electrical consulting company in New York. The company W.L. Hines Electric has provided him with a solid understanding of electrical design, code guidelines, and trade experience. As an assistant, Mr. Hines became knowledgeable about new innovative technological advances within the construction industry. Next summer he plans to obtain valuable construction experience with an AE firm. Robert is optimistic about finding the company that best suits his qualities and passion for construction management.
Besides classes, Robert enjoys many different sports including basketball, baseball, football and soccer. During his time here at Penn state he also joined a fraternity named Phi Mu Delta Fraternity Inc., in which he plays many of the sports above with his brothers. This organization has helped Robert network among successful alumni and to become a student devoted to helping others in need. He believes dedicating part of his time to helping others is worth much more than gratification, it is a necessity. |