Wentz Concert Hall and Fine Arts Center
North Central College - Naperville, Illinois
Will Lesieutre - Lighting/Electrical
An analysis of the existing lighting conditions of the Fine Arts Center, with a focus on the concert hall, practice rooms, main lobby, and facade. The report includes discussion of specific design criteria that are relevant to each space, as well as the existing lighting equipment.
Details of the building's existing power distribution and communication systems, with a focus on electrical equipment. The report includes a single line diagram of the electrical system, as well as notes on the locations of distribution equipment.
A presentation of schematic designs for four parts of the building: the facade, the main lobby, the concert hall, and the rehearsal room. These concepts will be presented at the end of the fall semester, and be developed into complete lighting schemes in the spring. Originally posted 11.18.11, revised 11.29.11.
View report [pdf] or [pptx] (right click and save as)