*Links to the full documents can be found below the summary of analyses
Analysis 1-A: Application of Prefabricated Wall Panels
The stick-built exterior façade was a critical path activity with a duration of 6 months. The proposed alternative to this approach is to erect prefabricated wall panels assembled at ground level on site. The proposed solution is intended to decrease the exterior façade duration and essentially decrease the overall schedule duration.
Analysis 1-B: Utilization of SIPS for Prefabricated Exterior Facade
The erection of the prefabricated exterior wall panels at RFCS shows signs for excellent implementation of Short Interval Production Scheduling (SIPS) due to the highly repetitive nature of the activity and the already present need for early planning due to prefabrication. This analysis will provide a SIPS plan for the erection of the prefabricated exterior panels at RFCS. The intended purpose of analyzing the activity using SIPS is to decrease the duration and save overall project costs.
Analysis 2: Solar Panel Installation at Roof Level
Upon review by the USGBC, RFCS missed attaining LEED Gold Certification by only a few credits. The owner has tasked the team to find a way to achieve LEED Gold while refraining from “Point Chasing”. This analysis proposes the installation of rooftop solar panels to meet both of the owner’s goals. The analysis will document the construction impact, relationship ties, purchasing plan, and business model necessary to install these units. The rooftop solar panels are anticipated to gain the necessary points to attain LEED Gold certification while benefitting the sustainability of the building in the almost always sunny Southern California region.
Analysis 3:Mobile Technology Integration- Tablet Computers
Mobile technology use in construction is becoming a top industry issue. More specifically, tablet use in the field is appearing at an escalating rate. The application of this technology is still new and remains questioned over its benefits and pitfalls. Through research into case studies documenting the use of tablets, this researcher plans to examine the benefits and pitfalls, and present them in a manner that owners can apply to their specific project. This document will be used to analyze the effectiveness of tablet use at RFCS and provide a detailed recommendation to the project team.
Breadth 1: Structural Breadth: Sizing the Rigging Beam Necessary to Lift and Erect Panels
Contributes to Analysis 1: Application of Prefabricated Wall Panels
Partially prefabricating the panels at RFCS requires the need for a picking attachment on the crane to safely swing the panels into place while supporting the load of the panel. The purpose of this breadth will be to size the beam necessary to hang and support the panel during placement. This breadth will analyze the shear and moment forces on the steel rigging beam and the reference the AISC Steel Manual to indicate the size of steel beam required to support the self weight of the prefabricated panels.
Breadth 2: Electrical Breadth
Contributes to Analysis 3: Solar Panel Installation at Roof Level
To solve the owners request for LEED Gold Certification while avoiding “Point Chasing”, rooftop solar panel installation will be investigated in Analysis 3. Installing these panels will impact the electrical system in regards to the way it is properly connected and the impact it has on the energy production requirements of the main power sources. This breadth will delve into the specific electrical requirements of installing solar panels. It will also consider the accompanying power systems and the impact solar panels would have on them.
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