Jadot A Moosman is an undergraduate student with 5th-year standing in the Penn State Architectural Engineering program. In his studies, Jadot has focused on structural design, and is expected to graduate in May 2014 with a Bachelor Degree in Architectural Engineering and a Minor in Engineering Mechanics. He has also taken courses in non-structural sustainable design techniques out of personal interest, and is a member of the Penn State chapter of Engineers for A Sustainable World.
For the six years prior to graduation, Jadot has been employed full-time with Nebraska Book Company while completing coursework at Penn State as a part-time adult student. The experience taught him a great deal about time management, professionally interacting with customers and other businesses, and working in a full-time setting while maintaining an appropriate and sustainable work-life-education balance.
In his free personal time, Jadot enjoys playing music when possible and taking full advantage of the many outdoor recreational opportunities in the area surrounding State College and the University Park campus. He enjoys hiking and biking in Rothrock State Forest year-round, wakeboarding in the summer, and snowboarding in the winter months. |