Senior Thesis Reflection The Pennsylvania State University Senior Thesis Project was developed to give students an understanding of how to effectively interpret and analyze building systems in order to improve the overall quality and design of a building project currently on-going in construction, or recently completed. Each option under the Architectural Engineering department had their own workload divisions. For the construction option, students had to compose three technical reports and a final proposal during the Fall 2013 semester. These technical reports were used as an effort to analyze the various building systems and construction processes involved in each students respective building project. From here, a final proposal was developed to describe the intentions of each student, as they planned out their work for the Spring 2014 semester. During the Spring 2014 semester, students had to develop 3-4 analyses used to analyze potential issues in the current building project, and develop possible solutions that provide a higher quality and more efficient design. Senior thesis taught me how to take a real world situation and find any issues that may be present, and develop ideas to potential solve said issues. This year has been a great experience, and I feel prepared entering the construction industry, with the knowledge and skills developed throughout this program. CPEP Reflection The Capstone E-Portfolio was developed as a means for students to organize all of their senior thesis work, and share it with present faculty, students and virtually anyone else who has an interest in seeing the students' work. This tool has been great for students as they get to experience the development of websites as well as organizing their collection of data, which may be beneficial in the construction industry. |