The fall semester of my senior year consisted of several technical analysis. These analyses were comprehensive reports detailing the entire Multi-Use High Rise project. Although the work was challenging, without the three technical analyses I would have never been able to complete my final senior thesis report. These analyses were a great way to be introduced to senior thesis, and the building I was working with. I learned so much about my building, and the construction management aspect that goes into making a $44 Million dollar multi-use comples. I thought the AE 481W portion of senior thesis was very beneficial, and greatly appreciated the help it gave me with my final report. All professors and advisors were very helpful, answering any question, providing insightful advice, and setting up potential resources. The collaborative effort of Penn State's AE department truly helped me complete AE 481W.
Senior Thesis Reflection
AE 482 Reflection
My tenth and final semester as an architectural engineering student mainly consisted of completing my AE 482 Senior Thesis final report and presentation. Again, AE 481W had significant influence on my completion of this course. Although the workload was also comprehenisve and difficult, it was an excellent learning tool that will potentially better me for my future career in the construction management industry. I can honestly say, I enjoyed compiling this report and putting the powerpoint together, seeing how hard I truly worked through my entire fifth year senior thesis. The presentation was quite nerve-raking, but once I started, the nerves calmed and it flowed smoothly. Throughout this semester, all professors and advisors were available and willing to help, which made it much easier to complete. I am relieved senior thesis is complete, but it was a fun and interesting journey along the way, one I will never forget.
CPEP Reflection
The Capstone E-Portfolio is used to make students' kearning objectuives and work of the Senior Thesis Capstone Project public on the internet. For the next five years, all of my work will be made available through my CPEP website. I greatly enjoyed creating my CPEP, and hope viewers enjoy visiting it. I hope mine is useful enough future Penn State AE students to use as an example, to help them get through their senior thesis, much as I have learned from the years prior to me. I think the CPEP is a great tool and greatly enjoyed utilizing it.
Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a workâinprogress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Ryan MacNichol. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.