Sikandar Porter-Gill completed his fifth year thesis at Penn State's Departemnt of Architectural Engineering, during the 2013-2014 academic year.
In May 2014 Sikandar graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture Engineering and a Master of Architectural Engineering, with an emphasis in structural engineering. In addition, Sikandar graduated from the Schryer Honors College and also obtained a Minor in Architectural Studies.
After graudation, Sikandar began working for The SK&A Group, Washington DC Office. He held several internships during his college career. Sikandar gained experience at Holbert Apple Associates, a structural engineering firm in the Washington, D.C. Area. He worked as a Structural Engineer Intern, performing analysis on existing framing and the design of new framing. He had limited site visits to buildings and underground garages to complete a structural survey. In addition, he reviewed shop drawings for concrete reinforcing and structural steel, prepared construction documents using Revit and AutoCAD and worked with various structural analysis programs, such as RAM SBeam, spSlab, PROFIS, Enercalc and Decon STDesign.
He has also held an internship at Sustaianble Design Group, performing sustainable design research for developing countries, processing permits for Maryland and Virginia and working with clients on residential and business construction documents.
Sikandar also had the honor of taking part of one of Penn State's full study abroad trips to China and Hong Kong, sponsored by the Department of Architectural Engineering. He attended the prestigious Tsinghua University of Beijing, China and the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. Sikandar gained an immense respect for international building design and sustainable architecture.
To view Sikandar's Resume, click here.
To view Sikandar's LinkedIn Profile, click here.