Michael Giuliani's Biography

Michael Giuliani is a rising 5th year senior at the Pennsylvania State University studying Architectural Engineering and specializing in mechanical systems. In addition to earning a bachelors degree of Architectural Engineering, Giuliani is working on his Architecture Studies minor.
Giuliani has gained much experience in field by working for both a mechanical and construction management firm. During the summer of 2013, Giuliani interned underneath a project manager at EDiS Company, and in the summer of 2014, Giuliani interned at Summer Consultants, Inc. focusing on mechanical design. As an intern for Summer Consultants, Inc. Giuliani assisted in calculating building loads, designing system layouts, and selecting the appropriate mechanical equipment sizes as well as many other tasks. From his experience and training from both school and in the field, Giuliani is equipped to handle most professional situations.
Outside of school and professional work, Giuliani has been active in many organizations at the Pennsylvania State University. Starting off his collegiate career, Giuliani was an avid student athlete, participating as an active member for both varsity baseball and wrestling. Later into his college career, Giuliani joined the professional architecture and allied arts fraternity, Alpha Rho Chi, Inc. Here, Giuliani held many important roles and leadership offices, including vice presidency, to help better the fraternity and the State College community. Along with participating in these organizations, Giuliani is an avid member in Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon (THON). THON is an organization that raises money to help find a cure for pediatric cancer. In 2014, THON raised over $13 million to help families in need. To learn more about how you can help save a child, please click here.