Proposal V2:
Proposal V1:
Current Work Schedule:
Depth Analysis: Combined Heat and Power Implementation
The base of the mechanical alternate system will be a new configuration of the RGE basement plant to provide the RGE, CMU expansion, and additional campus expansion with utilities all generated on-site via natural gas combustion. Ancillary components of the redesign will include general resizing and reconfiguring of systems and equipment coinciding with the implementation of CHP. Also, potential changes to secondary equipment selection and façade choice will be considered in order to maximize effectiveness of a CHP strategy. In an additional move to reinforce long-term benefits, more robust feedback mechanisms will be implemented. The intended goal of the redesign with a combined heat and power plant will be to prove long-term cost and operation benefits while providing dependable utilities and maintaining a top level of operability.
Construction Management Breadth Analysis: Alternative Procurement Process
At the time of bidding in 2011, the state of Ohio mandated that all building projects funded with state money were to be awarded as competitive multiple-prime contracts. As a higher education project, the NEOMED RGE + CMU fell under this ruling and was multiple prime. Since early 2012, Ohio has changed their stance and now allows single-prime contracting for state funded building. The considered construction management breadth would be to consider the potential benefits of using a single-prime delivery on the project. The project experienced notable over-runs due to weather and contractor delays; creating mock schedules of single-vs-multiple prime delivery and comparing the two could shine light on potential savings of both money and time.
Electrical Breadth Analysis: Power Interconnect and Black Start Capability
Coinciding with the inclusion of a combined heat and power system will be the need for properly designed power interconnection with the existing grid. In addition, the new CHP plant will have provisions made to provide black start capabilities, allowing the plant to restart in the event of a blackout.