Penn StateJeffrey Duclos
Construction Option

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

University Park,

Site Pages

- Homepage

- Student Bio

- Buiding Statistics

- Thesis Abstract

- Technical Reports

- Thesis Proposal

- Presentation

- Final Report

- Thesis Reflection

Project Newsfeed

04.27.16 - Thesis Research Page Changed to Thesis Reflection Page

04.27.16 - Student Bio Page Updated

04.21.16 - Executive Summary Added

04.21.16 - Final Thesis Report Updated

04.21.16 - Final Report Page Updated

04.13.16 - Thesis Presentation Added

04.08.16 - Final Thesis Report Added

03.31.16 - Presentation Outline Added

01.18.16 - Updated Proposal Document Added

01.18.16 - Thesis Proposal Page Updated

12.14.15 - Proposal Document Added

12.14.15 - Thesis Proposal Page Updated

12.14.15 - Technical Report III Added

12.14.15 - Technical Report II Added

11.13.15 - Technical Report I Added

10.26.15 - Building Statistics Page Updated

10.22.15 - Abstract Document Added

10.05.15 - Building Statistics Page Updated

09.11.15 - Student Bio Page Added

09.11.15 - Building Statistics Page Added

09.11.15 - Thesis Abstract Page Added

09.11.15 - Technical Reports Page Added

09.11.15 - Thesis Research Page Added (Now Removed)

09.11.15 - Thesis Proposal Page Added

09.11.15 - Presentation Page Added

09.11.15 - Final Report Page Added

09.08.15 - Website Created

Steidle Back
Image courtesy of Mascaro Construction Co.

Thesis Reflection


Senior Thesis Course

The Capstone Project was the most difficult task I have ever undertaken, as it should be. This was the ultimate demonstration of all my accumulated architectural engineering knowledge and it did a good job of demanding its full use. It was also great at promoting self-actualization when it came to selecting areas of analysis that I wanted to focus on instead of being handed specific analyses to perform for a class. Finally, this project did a great job at promoting industry research and interviewing. All of these skills will be essential to my future work in the construction industry.


CPEP site

This website was indeed an effective tool for communicating my progress over the past year to the AE faculty. I also feel that it's a great resource for future thesis students to reference. I made use of numerous past CPEP sites when looking for ideas for formatting and structure of both my papers. I just wish that when the tutorial class for creating the websites was done, in addition to covering the use of Dreamweaver, the use of free website creators like Wix was also covered. That way, students can make a more informed decision about which option is better for their ideas and capabilities.


- ABET Assessment -





































User Note:

While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work-in-progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Jeffrey Duclos. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.

This Website was last updated on April 27, 2016 , by Jeffrey Duclos and is hosted by the Architectural Engineering Department