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Chris Duffy

The Facts
231G Sackett Building
University Park, PA  16802

cxd11 at psu dot edu
Personal web page

Ph.D., 1992, Hydrology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Chris Duffy
Areas of Interest
Stochastic and numerical modeling of groundwater flow and solute transport, modeling large scale hydrologic systems.

Three Representative Publications
  • Duffy, C.J., 2004," Semi-discrete dynamical model for mountain-front recharge and water balance estimation, Rio Grande of southern Colorado and New Mexico," in Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The Southwestern United States, edited by J.F. Hogan, F.M. Phillips, and B.R. Scanlon, Water Science and Applications Series, 9, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 255-271.

  • Duffy, C. and D. Brandes, 2001, "Dimension Reduction and Source Identification for Multispecies Groundwater Contamination," Journal Of Contaminant Hydrology, 48, 151-165.
  • Newman, B.D., C.J. Duffy, and D.D. Hickmott, 2001, "Evaluating the hydrogeochemical response of springs using singular spectrum analysis and phase-plane plots," in New Approaches to Characterising Groundwater Flow, edited by Seiler and Wohnlich, International Assn. of Hydrogeologists, 762-767.