Graduate Courses
- CE 551 -
Random Processes in Hydrologic Systems (3): hydrologic systems
analysis, simulation; design using probability, time series and
dynamical systems; formulating models, parameter estimation,
environmental impact, resource assessment. Prerequisite: CE 361; introductory probability and
- CE 552 -
Coastal and Near-shore Processes (3): hydrodynamics of the
near-shore environment, including waves, currents, and storm surges.
Coastal response, sediment transport, engineering structures.
Prerequisite: CE 360.
- CE 555 -
Groundwater Hydrology: Analysis and Modeling (3):
Introduction to groundwater resource analysis, model formulation,
simulation, and design of water resource systems using symbolic and
numerical methods. Prerequisite: MATH
- CE 556 -
Tracer and Contaminant Transport in Groundwater (3):
introduction to mathematical models for tracer and contaminant
transport in groundwater. Topics include formulation, visualization,
environmental tracers, and remediation. Prerequisite:
MATH 251.
- CE 561 -
Surface Hydrology (3): Quantification of the processes that
govern the movement and storage of water near the land-surface
including precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff.
- CE 564 -
Sediment Transport in Alluvial Streams (3): river flow, river
channel formation, the physical characteristics of rivers, responses of
rivers to natural and human-made changes. Prerequisite: CE 462.
- CE 566 -
Uncertainty and Reliability in Civil Engineering (3):
Introduction to probabilistic modeling, simulation, uncertainty
analysis, and reliability estimates applied to civil engineering.
- CE 567 -
River Engineering (3): introduction to river mechanics and
fluvial geomorphology applied to problems of sediment transport and
channel morphology.
- CE 580 -
Hydrodynamic Mixing Processes (3): physical mixing processes in
rivers, estuaries, lakes, and oceans. Analytic methods and
computational modeling.
- CE 597 -
Water Resources Seminar (1): topical discussions and
presentations of water resources research.