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Patrick Reed - Assistant Professor

The Facts
215 B  Sackett Building
University Park, PA  16802

preed at engr dot psu dot edu
Personal web page

Ph.D., 2002, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana / Champaign

Patrick Reed
Areas of Interest
Monitoring design, real-time integrated sensing, optimization, evolutionary algorithms, data assimilation, nonstationary geostatistics, multiobjective decision support, high performance computing.

Three Representative Publications
  • Reed, P., Ellsworth, T., Minsker, B.S., 2004, "Spatial interpolation methods for nonstationary plume data," Groundwater, v.42(2), pp.190-202.
  • Reed, P., Minsker, B.S., 2004, "Striking the balance: long-term groundwater monitoring design for conflicting objectives," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, v.130(2), pp.140-149.
  • Reed, P., Minsker, B.S., Goldberg, D.E., 2003, "Simplifying multiobjective optimization: an automated design methodology for the nondominated sorted genetic algorithm-II.," Water Resources Research, v.39(7), pp.1196, doi:10.1029/2002WR001483.