The Plan for Jacob's Ladder

Project Goal

To create on mined-out bauxite land a self-sustaining community that will include a sizeable population of disabled children over eightenn years of age.

Project Objectives

1. To provide accomodation for 400 disabled children.
2. To provide accomodation for MSC staff who will care for the disabled residents and the facilities on the compound.
3. To establish an agricultural system (vegetables, tree crops, animal husbandry, and fish ponds) for in-house food needs and for income generation through sale of the produce on the domestic market.

Project Activities

1. Construction of 100 cottages to house the disabled children and MSC staff.
2. Construction of a service centre including an office, a central laundry and kitchen, a training facility, a chapel and an internet cafe.
3. Establishment of a vegetable farm for in-house food needs.
4. Establishment of a commercial farm for the cultivation of crops for sale on the domestic market.
5. Establishment of a chicken farm.
6. Establishment of a livestock herd.
7. Construction of two fish ponds.