Andrew Simone

The Hub on Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA




This is a student-generated Capstone Project ePortfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis eStudio.

Andrew Domenick Simone, Jr.

        Andrew was born and raised in West Berlin, New Jersey. Influenced by his father, he grew up in the construction industry and has been fascinated by the design and infrastructure of buildings ever since.  With many summers of hands-on experience he hoped to one day be on the design side of buildings.  While attending Paul VI, a private high school in southern New Jersey, Andrew decided to pursue a career in the engineering field. After reviewing his options, he decided to attend Penn State’s College of Engineering.  Soon he discovered that Architectural Engineering would provide the education and skills to place him into a career that he would enjoy and excel at.
        Andrew is currently in his final year of studies.   In May 2007, he will graduate with the Integrated Bachelor and Master of Architectural Engineering degrees and move on to begin his career in structural design and analysis.  He will also obtain a minor in Architecture Studies and receive a certificate for Housing Design and Construction to further his design capabilities.  Andrew’s most influential and memorable stage of his college career was attending the Sedi di Roma summer program in Rome, Italy whe re he studied architecture along with the urban development and lifestyle of the ancient city.
        Andrew always takes full advantage of all the beneficial opportunities that arise. He enjoys meeting new people, trying new things, and going to new place.  In his summer internships he has associate with many professionals and tradesmen whom have influenced his decisions and guided him to where he is now and where he plans to be in the future.

After interviewing with several firms, Andrew has accepted a full time position as a graduate engineer. In the early summer, after graduation, he will be moving to New York to join WSP Cantor Seinuk Structural Engineers of Manhattan.




Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 1, 2007 , By Andrew Simone and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005