Doug Tower

Structural Option
Race Street Dormitory, Drexel University
3300 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


Thesis Proposal

Option Work (REVISED)

In order to explore a concrete structural system for this building, as well as a system with different advantages/disadvantages, This thesis will be a complete redesign of the building utilizing concrete and tunnel form construction, with minimal architectural changes. An altered architectural plan and structural layout of concrete bearing walls, flat slabs, and some columns will be designed, with columns only where larger open spaces are necessary.

Breadth Studies (REVISED)

Breadth Study 1 - Architecture

The building will have to be changed architecturally to implement the new structural system. This breadth study will simply be an in depth rearrangement and alteration of spaces in the building, attempting to maintain the same spaces and/or work them around the new structural system. The first floor plan will likely change to accommodate new load bearing walls on the 10 floors above. This breadth study will be integrated with the design of the structural system to optimize each.

Breadth Study 2 - Construction

A critical issue in evaluating an alternative structural system is construction. This study will involve a detailed cost estimate of the existing structural system and the proposed structural system, and comparison. If non structural elements are eliminated or changed due to an alternate structural system a cost evaluation will be studied. Furthermore, the building construction schedule will be altered for the proposed system and the impact on all aspects of construction will be analyzed.

[Revised Thesis Proposal Report]

[Original Thesis Proposal Report]



Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Doug |
This Page was last updated on February 16, 2007 , By Doug Tower and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005
February 16, 2007