Doug Tower

Structural Option
Race Street Dormitory, Drexel University
3300 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


ABET Outcome Survey


AE 481W/482 Course Reflection

The courses were very well organized to analyze an existing building first, which helped me understand a lot about the extent of design considerations for the redesign. Overall, I have no complaints about the the two courses, I found them relaxed enough to go at my own pace, and yet controlled enough to push me to learn a lot and develop my design. One consideration could have been more guidelines or suggestions for a proposal to the class as a whole. This thesis gave me the opportunity to test myself and my ability to take into account many design considerations all at once in a real life project. This was futher complicated by a need to recall topics learned at various stages in my college life. Overall, it was a great opportunity to explore a complex application of many of the major concepts learned over the past 5 years.

CPEP & Discussion Board Reflection
Professor Parfitt and Professor LePage gave me much good advice. The professional mentors I networked through them, as well as my sponsor, Chas Ricciardi, helped enormously. I could not have done it without them.



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This Page was last updated on May 7, 2007 , By Doug Tower and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005