Devin Maurizio

Lighting / Electrical
Williams College Center For Dance & Theater
Williamstown, MA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Devin Maurizio's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Thesis Proposal

Lighting Depth Summary:

Solutions to particular spaces have been outline in the third technical assignment powerpoint presentation and can be viewed on the technical assignments page. For the overall building, an analysis will be conducted to attempt to reduce light levels wherever necessary, introduce photosensor dimming to take advantage of natural daylighting, and develop a lighting concept that can be universally accepted throughout.

Electrical Depth Summary:

The campus-wide power distribution system may benefit greatly from the introduction of green power, reducing the sizing of equipment and the taxing costs of the production of electricity on the environment. There will be an analysis of the addition of photovoltaics and the purchase of wind power to determine it's impact on the lifecycle cost of the building. An analysis and redesign of one of the major distribution panels will also be performed to see if optimization is possible.

LEED Breadth Summary:

The addition of a green roof to particular parts of the building that generate and/or lose significant amounts of heat, taxing the mechanical systems, may reduce the size of that equipment that is necessary. An analysis will be done to determine the feasibility and cost effectiveness of such a solution and its effects on theatrical spaces which generally generate enormous amounts of heat for short periods of time.

Structural Breadth Summary:

The green roof that is proposed in the LEED breadth will need to be supported by the building. In this analysis, the roof and walls will need to be checked and possibly redesigned to make sure the building can actually support such a system.

For a full detailed report of proposed solutions and methods, click here.
My thesis proposal has been accepted in its entirety and no changes were necessary. It is, as requested, posted here again (2/7/07). Please click here.

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last upFebruary 7, 2007 #EndDate --> , By Devin Maurizio and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005