Rendering of the Dorrance H. Hamilton BuildingJoshua Kreutzberger

Dorrance H. Hamilton Building
Philadelphia, PA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Joshua Kreutzberger's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio



Course Reflection

It’s finally over!  The AE year-long senior thesis project seemed to never end.  The overall course has provided a great opportunity to focus on an actual design of a building.  Thesis has brought together five years of classes in order to prepare me for the start of my career in Architectural Engineering.    

The first half of thesis, AE 481W, provided me with an understanding of my thesis building.  The lighting and electrical technical assignments helped me to understand the various design techniques of the building.  The structure of the course with the due dates incorporated into the semester kept me on track. 

The spring semester of thesis, AE 482, provided me with various challenges.  The biggest hurdle was time management.  The course is structured with only one due date, which is the date the final report is due.  Since the due date was three months away in January, senior thesis was pushed aside.  The marathon started after spring break.  After a solid month of working on my project, it was finally finished. 


CPEP & Discussion Board Reflection

CPEP has provided me with some experience of website design.  The template provided was very easy to utilize and looked very professional.  I put the link to the CPEP website on my resume.  Various employers have mentioned the thesis website, which has helped with employment opportunities. 

The discussion boards are a great tool for design questions.  The professionals that frequent the discussion boards are greatly appreciated for their design experience.


ABET Outcome Survey
























Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 2, 2007 , By Joshua Kreutzberger and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005