
_Sean R. Flynn
_Construction Management

____________Wellington Condominiums
____________Exton, Pennsylvania

Green Design

-Trends in Stone have Reach New Levels at Flynn Stone

2006 herald the dynamic shift in direction for Flynn Stone when it went from being a hard-working Pennsylvania bluestone operation to a full-scale precision, engineered fabricator. Read More.


This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Thesis Project Proposal


Date Announcement
4.15.07 Updated Website and Added NEW THESIS RESEARCH ICONS
4.7.07 Posted Final Report
2.15.07 Thesis Research Breadths Complete and Presented Presentation Outline
2.7.07 Updated CPEP and Conducted Interviews
1.22.07 Posted Question(s) Over Construction Listserve and Met with Consultant
1.22.07 Thesis Proposal Approved and Posted to CPEP
12.16.06 Updated CPEP and Technical Assignment 2 and 3
12.6.06 Thesis Proposal Posted
11.29.06 Thesis Proposal Presentation
11.21.06 Technical Assignment 3 Posted
11.3.06 October 13, 2006 Project Photos Posted
11.1.06 Building Statistics Part 2 Posted
10.30.06 NEW! Features and Project Photos
10.29.06 Technical Assignment 2 Posted
10.12.06 Bio Updated and Posted
10.10.06 Abstract Posted
10.9.06 Updated Website and Added Features
10.6.06 Technical Assignment 1 Posted
10.4.05 Abstract Completed
9.6.05 Started 5th year course work


Click Here For the Project Proposal

The Wellington Condominiums Project was investigated to identify areas of a project that are good candidates for further research in: alternative methods of construction, value engineering, and schedule compression. A proposal is put together to establish four main areas of research concerning industry and project specific issues.

A main theme that I would like to introduce into the proposal is “Building for the Future.” As construction managers our future is about building tomorrow today. We have to understand that our basic responsibilities are in the actual construction and management of a building project. This is only a fraction of our responsibilities of what is more vital: the building of communication, trust, and respect with other people in the industry. Our future depends on building respect and taking team work and ethics to a new higher standard. With project delivery methods more frequently utilizing better team work arrangements like design-build, it is up to us whether or not the future of the building construction industry will respect that evolving philosophy.

Breadth Topics Outlined in Project Proposal

Hambros Joist Composite Deck System ~ Acoustical Breadth
The “Hambros Joist Composite Deck System Analysis” builds off the main research as to take a project level perspective to determine whether or not this system was correctly selected for the Wellington Condominiums Project. Many problems have resulted because of this system and further research as to alternative methods and means will be examined. An acoustical breadth will be provided here to investigate the claims of the manufacture and supplier as stating: “The 2.5” deck slab of the Hambros Joist Composite Deck System measures up vary well to industry standards for minimal vibration and sound transfer.”

Foundation Redesign ~ Structural Breadth  
The “Foundation Redesign Analysis” targets where a majority of the delays and change orders to the project resulted. This is of great interest to the project team due to the tremendous amount of resources that had to be applied to correct the problem. Another area of concern is that the foundation system required a large amount of time and cost to the project which pushed back the façade construction to the winter months. The foundation’s design would be challenged by redesigning the system to a mat slab foundation. Many reasons as to why a mat slab foundation would be preferred are further detailed in the report. A structural breadth will take a deeper look as to whether or not a mat slab foundation system would be of greater value to the project.

Senior Thesis Sponsored By:

Hankin Group



Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on April 17, 2007 , By Sean Flynn and is hosted by the AE Department ©2006