Progress Log


Date Announcement
4.14.06 Thesis Presentation - Posted
4.12.06 Presented Thesis
4.3.06 Final Report - Posted
1.16.06 Revised Proposal - Posted
1.16.06 January / General Work Plans - Posted
1.11.06 Revised Breadth Topics - Posted
1.9.06 Start Spring Semester / Thesis
12.12.05 Finals Week
12.11.05 Senior Thesis Proposal - Posted
11.29.05 Technical Assignment 1 Revision - Posted
11.21.05 Technical Assignment 3 - Posted
10.31.05 Technical Assignment 2 - Posted
10.31.05 Technical Assignment 1 Revision - Ongoing
10.5.05 Technical Assignment 1 - Posted
9.28.05 Thesis Abstract - Posted
9.19.05 Biographical Sketch - Posted
9.19.05 Building Statistics - Posted
9.14.05 CPEP Website Online
8.30.05 Started 5th year course work

General - Work Plan Schedule

January - Work Plan Schedule

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Aaron Snyder |
This Page was last updated on April 25, 2006 , By Aaron Snyder and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005