Courtney M. Perrin

Structural Option
Sherman Plaza
Evanston, IL


Welcome to Courtney's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Thesis Proposal


Depth Study

This building redesign proposal will attempt to produce a new structural system that will improve constructability, shorten construction time, and lower costs without decreasing the building’s quality. This goal will be accomplished by replacing the existing concrete system with a new structural steel system. This new system will be much lighter than the existing system, resulting in smaller foundations. It will also be easier to construct, because the formwork and shoring will not be needed. The number of columns could be also reduced, which will produce savings in material costs.

Thesis Proposal Executive Summary (Last Updated 12/12/05)

Thesis Proposal (Last Updated 12/12/05)

Breadth Studies

The change in the building’s structural material will affect other aspects of the building. A breadth study will be performed in two other disciplines to further investigate the new system’s effectiveness. The first study will be an estimate of the new building’s cost and construction schedule. The second study will be an acoustics analysis. It will be determined if the new system provides enough sound isolation between residential dwellings and between the retail and residential areas.

Breadth Study Executive Summary (Last Updated 12/12/05)










Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Courtney Perrin |
This Page was last updated on December 12, 2005 , By Courtney Perrin and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005