Courtney M. Perrin

Structural Option
Sherman Plaza
Evanston, IL


Welcome to Courtney's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Technical Assignments

Executive Summary   |    Technical Assignment 1

The Structural Concepts/Structural Existing Conditions Report consists of a description of the physical existing conditions of the structure of Sherman Plaza, including information relative to design concepts and required loading. It provides an overview of all the structural components of the building, including general floor framing, structural slabs, lateral resisting system, and foundation system.

Executive Summary    |    Technical Assignment 2

The Pro-Con Structural Study of Alternate Floor Systems consists of a comparison of several different floor framing plans for Sherman Plaza. The existing structural framing system is reinforced cast-in-place concrete beams, slabs and columns. The alternate systems considered for the redesign are: composite steel, non-composite steel, one-way pan joists, hollow core plank, double tee beams, two-way flat slab with drop panels, and a concrete waffle slab system.

Executive Summary    |    Technical Assignment 3

The Lateral System Analysis and Confirmation Design report is an extension and revision of the lateral design from Technical Assignment 1. In this report, the loading from Technical Assignment 1 is used to determine the load distribution and load path to the lateral resisting elements. Strength, drift, story drift, overturning and the impact on the foundations are analyzed.




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This Page was last updated on November 21, 2005 , By Courtney Perrin and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005