Sean C. Ehlers

Construction Management
McLean, VA

This is a Sean C. Ehlers-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Sean C. Ehlers' AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Sean C. Ehlers' Biographical Sketch

Originally from Rochester, NY, Sean decided to challenge himself within the strong Architectural Engineering program at The Pennsylvania State University. Having a desire to interact and effectively communicate with people on a day to day basis, the Construction Management option seemed to be a perfect fit.

To receive a better understanding of the construction industry and prepare for the demanding occupations ahead, Sean is currently pursuing a dual BAE/MAE degree. Prior to choosing the path of Master of Architectural Engineering, Sean spent a semester studying at the University of Leeds, England and traveling the world. This was a perfect opportunity to expanded his horizons and develop a better understanding of diverse groups of people.

Over the past three summers, Sean has had the opportunity to take part in multiple internships. After completing his second year at Penn State, he joined up with a design team known as The Thomas Group. The following two summer experiences included work with James. G Davis Construction Corporation located in the Maryland and Virginia area.

Sean will be graduating in December 2006 and hopes to expand his management skills in the field of construction. Being an Engineer in Training, Sean would like to further pursue a Professional Engineer license if the opportunity arises.

Sean C. Ehlers' Resume


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This Page was last updated on January 17, 2006 , By Sean C. Ehlers and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005