Sean Howard

Structural Option
Executive Tower
1399 New York Ave, NW Washington, DC

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Sean's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Sean Thomas Howard

It seems from a young age Sean Howard has had an interest in the design of stable structures through the cunning use of Lego’s. Though not knowing what the word determinant structure meant, constructing them seemed to come second nature to him. As part of an army family, Sean moved around frequently and in 1989 the Howards found themselves over seas in Nuremberg, Germany. It was there Sean was first introduced to cub scouts and ultimately the larger organization, Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Sean excelled in Boy Scouts participating in any and every campout possible, especially the hiking campouts where he eventually took charge as crew leader in the second of two trips to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. The December following this high adventure trip, Sean was presented with the rank of Eagle Scout, a proper closing to his BSA career. Concurrently with Boy Scouts, Sean was fortunate to have spent his entire high school career at West Springfield in Springfield, VA. He became increasingly interested in how physical objects worked and stood through his great teacher, Mr. Scudder. It was decided in those first period classes to pursue a career in engineering field, which Sean has accomplished thus far at Pennsylvania State University in the Architectural Engineering Department with a structural option. Sean is now in the process of conquering his fifth year thesis project, which is his final step before graduating with a B.A.E from Penn State’s ABET accredited program. And to this day, Sean still enjoys the occasional Lego project.


To review Sean's Resume in pdf from please click here.

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on January 23, 2006 , By Sean and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005