Andrew Rhodes

Mechanical Option
The Hilton Baltimore Convention Center Hotel
Baltimore, MD

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Progress Log

Date Announcement
4.19.07 Thesis chosen as one of 8 finalists
4.18.07 Thesis Presented to faculty panel, presentation posted
4.11.07 Final Report Completed and Posted
3.28.07 Discussed Mechanical Depth with Andrew Tech, Southland Industries
3.08.07 Discussed Mechanical Depth with Andrew Tech, Southland Industries
2.20.07 Discussed SIPS scheduling, my CM breadth, with Laura Slingerland, Southland Industries
2.08.07 , 2.16.07 Discussed depth work with engineers at Southland Industries
2.07.07 Posted question on message board
1.29.07 Obtained required utility costs from Baltimore Gas and Electric
1.19.07 Reconfirmed Thesis Proposal with faculty consultant
12.14.06 Finished Thesis Proposal. All thesis work for Fall 2006 is completed.
12.04.06 Started work on proposal / discussion with Andrew Tech, Southland Industries
11.17.06 Discussed Tech Assignment #3 with Andrew Tech, Southland Industries
11.15.06 Discussed Tech Assignment #3 with Mike McLaughlin, Southland Industries
10.30.06 Discussed Building Statistics Part II with RTKL and Southland Industries
10.23.06 Discussed Tech Assignment #2 with Mike McLaughlin, Southland Industries
10.18.06 Discussed Tech Assignment #2 with engineers at MC Dean
9.18.06 Discussed Tech Assignment #1 with Mike McLaughlin, Southland Industries
9.05.06 Started 5th year course work
Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on April 30, 2007 , By Andrew Rhodes and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005