Kyle Oberdorf's Senior Thesis

Kyle Oberdorf

Structural Option
Kenneth Langone Athletic and Recreation Center
Lewisburg Pa

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Kyle Oberdorf's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio






Senior thesis is a two step process. The first step was to perform an indepth analysis on the Kenneth Langone Athletic and Recreation Center during the fall semester. Through this analysis, a proposal for a redesign to be performed during the spring semester was developed.

Both semesters were extrodinarly taxing mentally and very time consuming. Choosing to do a redesign using timber construction provided me the ability to expand both my interest and knowledge on using timber in situations generally reserved for other materials. It also opened my eyes to the possibilities that exist for the use of wood.

I found the two semesters to be very different. The fall semester presents itself more like a job, with specific tasks and deadlines. On the other hand the spring semester is almost like an independent study. You set the bar for what needs to be done with your proposal and work at your pace to get there. It wasn't uncommon to spend hours working on something to find yourself doing it over again because it didn't fit with another portion of what you've done.

The best advice i can give anyone preparing for this process is to think realistically. In hindsight, redesigning the entire structural system of two seismically independent structures in a material and manor that can not be easily model in the computer programs availible to you was probably a poor idea. In the long run it was worth it though as i left with a much greater knowledge base on a material that i feel is the future. If I were to some up thesis in one word it be Friends, because without them you won't get through it. Whether it be someone to grab a beer with after a marathon work session, the phone call in the morning to make sure you don't sleep through an exam after pulling an all nighter and getting that recharge "nap" or just someone to help you explain something you just don't get. Your friends will be your greatest resource.

CPEP and Discussion Board

The CPEP website is a requirement of the thesis process but it is also one of its greatest assets. In a world where everything is going digital, to get this experience is priceless. While I found Dreamweaver to be a bit difficult to fully understand with out a class devoted entirely to learning it, it was much quicker then writing the code for it all. Not only did creating the site have its benefits, the site itself is a great tool for conveying your work to family and friends as well as a means to promote yourself to future employers.

Another tool that i regret not taking better of vantage of is the discussion board. Having access to the knowledge of professionals all across the country is priceless. Not only could you get answers to questions you couldn't find anywhere else, they were extremely prompt and i can't thank them enough for that. One thing that I did find though was that as far as wood is concerned the knowledge base might not be as broad as other materials. While i realize its also not as widely used as those other materials outside residential construction the addition of some professions from the APA or manufactured wood product plants would certainly be very benefical.


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on December 13, 2007 , By Kyle Oberdorf and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005
December 13, 2007