Upon the completion of the three technical reports during the fall semester, I determined that
a lateral system redesign would be a good topic choice for me to perform my spring research on. The proposal
calls for a alteration to the existing lateral system with the primary goal of eliminating some of the costly
moment connections found in the exterior frames of the building.
After reviewing the initial scope of my thesis propsal, I determined that it would be more beneficial
for me to use my senior thesis experience in a area of study that I have had no exposure to. Pre-stressed
concrete design is a topic that I have not been able to study at all throughout my coursework at Penn State.
Therefore, I have swithched my thesis proposal topic from a lateral system redesign, to the redesign
of Eight Tower Bridge as a concrete structure.
Below are a series of links that will connect you to both thesis proposals.
The first series (Lateral System Redesign) will link you to the original thesis proposal reports.
The second set (Structural Redesign in Concrete) will link you to the current
thesis topic selected.
Original Thesis Proposal (Lateral System Redesign)
Executive Summary of Thesis Proposal
Executive Summary of Breadth Topics
Full Report of Thesis Proposal
Updated Thesis Proposal (Strcutural Redesign in Concrete)