Technical Assignment 1
Structural Concepts/Structural Existing Conditions Report (PDF)
The Structural Concepts/Structural Existing Conditions Report describes the existing conditions of the College of Business Administration and includes information pertaining to the structural design. It provides a a description of the foundation, floor framing, roof framing, and lateral force resisting systems as well as loading criteria and design assumptions.
Technical Assignment 2
Pro-Con Study of Alternative Floor Systems (PDF)
The Pro-Con Study of Alternative Floor Systems is a comparison of possible floor systems that could be used in the design of the College of Business Administration. Included are investigations of five floor systems in addition to the actual design used.
Technical Assignment 3
Lateral System Analysis and Confirmation Design (PDF)
The Lateral System Analysis and Confirmation Design Report is a description and analysis of the lateral force resisting system of the College of Business Administration. It includes calculations of wind and seismic loads which are used to determine if the lateral design is sufficient.