Michael W. Vergari

Construction Management
Center For Health Research and Rural Advocacy
Geisinger Hospital Campus at Danville, Pennsylvania

This is a Michael W. Vergari-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Michael W. Vergari's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Thesis Proposal

Research Topic:

Selection of LEED credits for Health Care construction is often chosen based on cost instead of value adding sustainable aspects. Numerous LEED credits are affected either directly or in-directly by the selection of the building envelope. The research to be employed will study how the selection of the building envelope can garner different sustainable credits for Health Care facilities. The GSA LEED Cost Study will be utilized to check the cost of the credit options.

Technical Analyses:

Prefabrication: The expansive glass curtain wall will be redesigned to allow for a prefabricated system approach. This delivery system will be evaluated based on cost, schedule reduction, quality, and other concerns. With a unitized system employed, the addition of triple pane glass may allow for deletion of the radiant heaters and resizing of the shared mechanical system. This check will be one of the breath research. Since adding triple pane glass is much heavier option, the structural integrity of the designed system will also need to be checked. Additional forces imposed on the structural system will need be checked down to the foundation walls at the curtain wall areas.

Site Logistics: Space is a luxury not afforded to the Center for Health Research and Rural Advocacy. Additional infrastructure development may alleviate congestion during deliveries for the curtain wall construction. A 4D model will be developed for this construction process to compare the differences between the stick built system employed and a possible unitized curtain wall system.

December 12, 2005

Proposal Executive Summary

Full Proposal Report

February 15, 2005

Revised Proposal Executive Summary

Full Revised Proposal Report



Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Michael W. Vergari |
This Page was last updated on February 15, 2006 , By Michael W. Vergari and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005