Walter Nichols

Lighting/Electrical Option
Hawthorn Building
Penn State Altoona Campus

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Walt Nichols' AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Progress Log

Date Announcement
5.1.06 CPEP site is complete and ready for final review.
4.11.06-4.30.06 Website updated. All files uploaded. All links fixed.
4.10.06 Thesis Presnetation.
4.2.06-4.9.06 Power point created and practiced for thesis presentations.
3.27.06-4.1.06 Thesis book created.
3.20.06-3.26.06 Tied loose ends together.
3.13.06-3.19.06 Electrical depth topic changed after talking with Dr. Mistrick. Emergency lighting and new lighting loads put onto panelboards and sized to appropriate sizes.
3.6.06-3.12.06 Spring Break
2.26.06-3.5.06 Acoustical calculations and lamp wattage calculations completed. Spreadsheets with results were created.
2.11.06-2.25.06 Acoustical materials researched as well as lamp comparisons began.
1.30.06-2.10.06 Began resizing the distribution system.
1.23.06-1.29.06 Run AGI32 calculations with custom render symbols, textures, etc for final lighting solutions for the 4 spaces.
1.9.06-1.22.06 AutoCAD models built and ready to import into AGI 32 for analysis.
12.11.05 Depth executive summary, breadth executive summary, and thesis proposal added to the "thesis proposal" section
12.10.05 Lutron Comments added in the "technical assignments" section.
11.21.05 Tech. Assignment 3 added to "technical assignments" section.
10.31.05 Tech. Assignment 2 added to "technical assignments" section.
10.24.05 Broken links fixed, headings added to missing pages, email link added at bottom of every page, navigation bar fixed on all pages, Tech. 1 description added, "project log" section updated.
10.11.05 Building abstract added in the "thesis abstract" section.
10.10.05 Student bio and resume added to "Walter Nichols" section.
10.5.05 Tech. Assignment 1 added to "technical assignments" section.
9.19.05 Building statistics added to "building statistics" sction and lighting proposal memo added to the "technical assignments" section.


Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Walt |
This Page was last updated on April 30, 2006 , By Walt Nichols and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005