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Thesis Proposal

Executive Summary

This proposal for my thesis includes depth studies in lighting and electrical aspects of my building. I am proposing to redesign the lighting for five spaces in the building. In addition, I am proposing to redesign the associated electrical systems to a more efficient distribution system. In addition, I will be further analyzing my electrical system along the path to the light fixtures in the spaces that I will redesign. In addition to these depth studies, I propose to analyze architectural and structural aspects of my building as part of my breadth work. I will be looking at adding features to the Roof Terrace to enhance the utility of the space. In addition, I will be analyzing the structural impact of these changes on the building.

Architectural Breadth

The Roof Terrace is a very plain space as currently designed. Though its austere nature keeps it a flexible space, it also prevents it from being as useful of a space as it could potentially be. I propose to add to the architectural aspects of the space to enhance its functional capabilities. The potential for outdoor performances, classes, and practice in this space would create significant added value to the Roof Terrace. After analysis of similar spaces, I will attempt to create a series of outdoor rooms that will provide flexibility while keeping the space as intimate and unintimidating as possible. This space will then subsequently be re-lit as part of my lighting depth.

Structural Breadth

The Roof Terrace is located directly on top of the Recital Hall. The structural system will thus have to be redesigned for the added loads that I am proposing for my Architectural Breadth. This analysis will include analyzing the moment and flexural capacity of the span over the recital hall as well as the shear walls that both support this load. These massive walls also isolate the recital hall acoustically by providing a great deal of attenuation due to their density.