David J. Anderson

Clemson University's Advanced Material Research Laboratory
Anderson, SC

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to David J. Anderson's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Progress Log


Date Announcement
05.04.07 CPEP Site Complete and Ready For Review
05.04.07 Reflection and ABET Survey Posted
05.04.07 Final Presentation Posted Posted
04.18.07 Presented To Faculty
04.16.07 Final Report Posted
03.09.07 Preliminary PowerPoint Presentation Outline Posted
02.21.07 Resume Updated
02.15.07 Thesis Updated Proposal Posted
02.09.07 Meeting with consultant-Jelena Srebric
01.22.07 Posted question on thread
12.19.06 Thesis Proposal Posted
12.11.06 Completed Self Evaluation Report
11.21.06 Technical Report 3 Posted
11.07.06 Received additional photos
10.27.06 Technical Report 2 Posted
10.05.06 Technical Report 1 Posted
10.04.06 Abstract Posted
10.02.06 Received construction documents from IDC
09.20.06 Biography Posted
09.17.06 Building Statistics Posted
09.15.06 Received general knowledge of building from Mr. Groseclose
09.05.06 Contacted Chris Przirembel of Clemson University Owner approval received
08.30.06 Started 5th year course work
08.28.06 Contacted Mr. Groseclose inquiring documents
08.24.06 Contacted David Groseclose from IDC

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on May 4, 2007 , By David J. Anderson and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005