Erin M. Faulds

Mechanical Option
Try Street Terminal Building
Pittsburgh, PA

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

building rendering

Welcome to Erin's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

Erin's Biographical Sketch

Erin M. Faulds is currently a fifth year Architectural Engineering (AE) student at The Pennsylvania State University.  She is currently pursuing her Bachelor and Master of Architectural Engineering and plans on graduating in May 2007.

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Erin decided that she wanted to move to State College to study her love of math and science and interest in architecture by pursuing a major in Architectural Engineering.

During her career at Penn State, Erin has enhanced both her professional and personal attributes through a variety of activities and opportunities.  In the Summer of 2005, Erin was chosen to study in the Sede di Roma program in Rome, Italy earning her an architectural minor.  While abroad Erin not only had the chance to affirm her love of travel, but to embrace the Italian culture, learning many valuable life lessons.  During the Summer of 2006, Erin received the opportunity to expand her understanding of mechanical systems through her internship at McKamish. 

Aside from her academics, Erin has participated in many organizations including:  American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Women in Engineering Program (WEP) and Phi Sigma Rho.  Although Erin has been an active member in all these organizations, she has mainly dedicated herself to Phi Sigma Rho, a social sorority for women engineers.  Through Phi Sigma Rho, Erin not only got to be involved in many university activities such as Homecoming and Thon, but she also took on many leadership roles.  Her most recent leadership has included being the Secretary of the Alumnae Association (2006-2007) and Vice President of Standards of the active chapter (2005-2006).  Additionally, Erin has always enjoyed writing poetry and playing sports, specifically basketball. 

Erin attributes her success in life not only to her hard work, but also to the love and support that she has always received from her family and friends.  It has been the values instilled on her by her family that have helped to sculpt her into the well rounded, confident women that she is today.

Equipped with all this practical and personal experience Erin is looking forward to her career in AE. She has recently accepted a full time mechanical postion with GRG Inc. in Orlando, Florida. Erin is very excited about her opportunity with GRG and is expected to begin work during the Summer of 2007. It is her goal to apply and expand her knowledge of mechanical systems while working toward her professional registration.

To view Erin's Resume click here.







Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on March 6, 2007 , By Erin Faulds and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005