Joseph J. Mugford

Structural Option
High Rise Condo
New York, New York

This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Welcome to Joseph's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio




Thesis Research



American Concrete Institute Journal


Deflection Control of Slabs Using Allowable Span to Depth Ratios

by R. Gilbert (January/Febuary 1985-Title No. 82-6, p.67-72)

Deflection Calculation for Reinforced Concrete Structures-Why We Sometimes Get it Wrong

by R. Gilbert (November/December 1999-Title No. 96-S114, p. 1027-1033)












Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | Contact Joseph Mugford |
This Page was last updated on April 26, 2007 , By Joseph Mugford and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005