Michael J. Szott

Structural Option

Duquesne University Forbes Expansion

Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA


This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.

Technical Assignments

Structural Concepts/Existing Conditions Report

Technical Assignment 1 is a detailed report discussing the structural concepts used in designing the Duquesne University Multipurpose Facility. A description of each component of the structural system as well as calculations associated with each is contained within.

View Technical Assignment #1

Structural Study of Alternative Floor Systems

Technical Assignment 2 is a study of possible alternative floor systems for the Duquesne University Multipurpose Facility. A design of each alternative is present as well as a final comparison between all options.

View Technical Assignment #2

Technical Assignment 3

Technical Assignment 3 is a detailed study of the lateral resisting system for the Duquesne University Multipurpose Facility. Design using structural software such as RAM and RAM Advanse was used to confirm multiple areas strength and servicability requirements.

View Technical Assignment #3


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This Page was last updated on November 21, 2006 , By Michael Szott and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005
November 21, 2006November 21, 2006November 21, 2006November 21, 2006