Welcome to Robin Scaramastro's AE Senior Thesis e-Portfolio

About Robin

Robin Scaramastro is from a small town outside of Scranton, Pennsylvania. She grew up with a passion for architectureand a desire to build things. Throughout high school, she excelled in math and sciences and decided that she wanted to be an engineer.  After attending a College of Engineering open house during her sophomore year in high school, Robin decided to pursue a degree in Architectural Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University.  In May of 2007, Robin will graduate from Penn State with her Bachelor and Master of Architectural Engineering degrees.

Robin has excelled throughout her college career. Some of her accomplishments include the making Dean’s List, being inducted into Phi Alpha Epsilon, the architectural engineering honor society, serving as secretary, and being accepted into the integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s program. She also became involved in the Structural Engineers Association, Student Society of Architectural Engineers, the Architectural Engineering Institute and the American Institute for Steel Construction.

Robin has gained experience in the professional world through her two summer internships. She has worked in building repair through her internship at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates in Washington, D.C. There, she performed building surveys and learned about non-destructive building tests. Robin also has experience with structural design with her internship with Greenman-Pedersen Incorporated in Scranton, PA, where she gained experience in foundation and wood, steel and concrete framing design. She also works part time for the Department of Civil Engineering as a grading assistant for a steel design class.

In her spare time, Robin plays softball on Penn State Women’s Fastpitch Club Softball Team and likes to paint, draw and play piano.

View Robin's Full Resume (in .pdf format)

Senior Thesis | The Pennsylvania State University | Architectural Engineering | AE Lab | |
This Page was last updated on December 15, 2006 , By Robin Scaramastro and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005